An Executive Ph.D. Journey: How to Choose Your Research Topic
16 avr. 2024
14:30 - 15:30

En résumé

Senior executives make countless decisions on any given day but rarely is one of those decisions the choice of a research topic. Yet, for executives who have decided to become thought leaders in their field, what they choose to study is central to the Global Executive Ph.D. journey.

Join Prof. Daniela Lup, Margot Drancourt-de Lasteyrie (Director of the Global Executive Ph.D.) and Sam Sena (Global Executive Ph.D. Class of 2025) to explore the ins and outs of honing one's research topic. During this session, the panellists will explore: 

  • How do you identify a topic worthy of attention, time, and prolonged effort? 
  • What is a literature review, and why is it important?
  • How do you produce high-quality research valuable to both the academic and business worlds? 
  • How can you leverage your experience and the world-class faculty of ESCP to impact your field positively?

The webinar will be followed by a short presentation on the Global Executive Ph.D., a unique part-time programme designed for senior leaders seeking an intellectual challenge worthy of their professional experience.

ESCP Business School is ranked #4 in Europe and #3 worldwide for its Executive MBA (Financial Times 2023).


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Les experts

Sam SENAGlobal Head of Business SystemsBigID
Monika SavelskyteRecruitment managerESCP BUSINESS SCHOOL
Margot Drancourt - de LasteyrieDirectrice Executive Ph.D.ESCP BUSINESS SCHOOL
An Executive Ph.D. Journey: How to Choose Your Research Topic
16 avr. 2024
14:30 - 15:30
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