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How to anticipate the regulatory risks related to chemical substances in order to adapt your industrial strategy?

Second webinar of the “substances” seminar of EcoMundo, it aims to give you all the comprehension keys to anticipate the regulatory risks associated with your use of chemical substances and thus be able to take the relevant decisions to secure your industrial uses. This analysis, for instance, may lead to avoid an application for Authorisation by substituting the risky substance before its inclusion on Annex XIV. .

It is aimed at large industrial groups, SMI and SME using chemical substances who wish to have a clearer understanding of the regulatory mechanisms leading to the “prioritisation” of substances and their regulation in Europe. 

You will discover:

  • How the regulatory mechanisms of chemical substances’ prioritisation are implemented at the European scale
  • How to characterize the regulatory risk related to your own substances portfolio and integrate it to your industrial and innovation strategy
  • How to anticipate regulatory evolutions and thus secure your industrial business

Les experts

Durée45 mins
Nombre d'inscrits1 inscrit
Note du webinar0 (0 avis)


18 abonnés suivent cette entrepriseExperts de la substance chimique et de son cadre réglementaire, nous sécurisons votre innovation et votre mise en marché par la maîtrise du risque chimique.
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  5. How to anticipate the regulatory risks related to chemical substances in order to adapt your industrial strategy?
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