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Unlock Your Research Potential: The Power of a Strong Advisor-Advisee Partnership for the Global Executive Ph.D.
Unlock Your Research Potential: The Power of a Strong Advisor-Advisee Partnership for the Global Executive Ph.D.

Unlock Your Research Potential: The Power of a Strong Advisor-Advisee Partnership for the Global Executive Ph.D.

As a senior executive, you know firsthand the importance of relationships and knowledge. The same holds true when pursuing a Ph.D. When it comes to research, choosing the right thesis advisor is instrumental to ensuring the success of your Ph.D. research journey.

Join us for this Global Executive Ph.D. webinar, where three advisee-advisor partnerships will talk about how to optimise one’s research. You'll discover tips on how to select your topic and advisor to achieve maximum success. The panel will also share techniques on how to best approach academic writing as an executive.

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Les experts

Ambra BoccacciniRecruiterESCP BUSINESS SCHOOL
Durée60 mins
Nombre d'inscrits37 inscrits
Note du webinar0 (0 avis)
ESCP Business School

ESCP Business School

39022 abonnés suivent cette entrepriseEuropean identity, Global perspective

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  2. Unlock Your Research Potential: The Power of a Strong Advisor-Advisee Partnership for the Global Executive Ph.D.
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