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Understand behavior, grow further


Les expertises associées

Études marketing

Réseaux sociaux


Marketing digital

Neurosciences, psychologie et sciences cognitives (cerveau, charge mentale, apprentissage, mémoire)

Les incontournables

Les principaux experts

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Jean-François SONDERDirecteur, International Business DevelopmentEyeSee
Sylvie ConanCEOMeerkat Consulting
Flavia De AvilezBiz DevEyeSee


Understand behavior, grow further!

EyeSee is one of the fastest growing behavioral insights companies in the world, based in New York, Antwerp, Paris, and Belgrade. We use the unique combination of remote explicit and implicit methods to unlock the next level insights for our clients.

Through highly effective platforms such as online eye tracking, facial coding, virtual shopping, and survey, we measure the impact of shopper marketing, advertising, digital, and innovation. For research purposes, respondents use their own devices (computers and mobile phones), thus cutting down time, costs, and enabling testing on a global scale. 

Our teams conduct studies in more than 40 countries. We had the privilege to work with global brands in a myriad of industries, some of which are Johnson & Johnson, Twitter, L’Oréal, Viacom, Nestle, and many others.

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