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Webinar Master of Science Sustainable Impact Analysis
Webinar Master of Science Sustainable Impact Analysis

Webinar Master of Science Sustainable Impact Analysis

This webinar offers the opportunity to learn more about the Sustainable Impact Analysis Master of Science. This MSc in economic calculation for investment decisions, applied to sectors of the economy currently in full expansion, is offered by the École des Ponts ParisTech and Paris School of Economics.

This program is open to students and young professionals who hold a Bachelor, Master 1 or 2 degree in economics, statistics or mathematics, from a University, a grande école, an Engineering school or a Business school.

Learn everything about this MSc: 

  • MSc from two world-class academic institutions Ecole des Ponts Paristech and Paris School of Economics
  • The MSc provides a thorough grounding in both Economics and Finance
  • Students will be able to carry out rigorous Cost-Benefit analyses on the Social Impact of decision-making by Public Authorities and Private Companies
  • International Faculty made up of both academics and practitioners from prestigious universities and companies
  • Multiple tracks covering Healthcare, Smart Cities, Environmental Transitions and Digital Platforms 
  • Institutional and Capstone projects partners include KPMG, EDF ENR, ENGIE, Renault, TIER Mobility and The World Bank.

Program directors Carine Staropoli and Clive Gallery and a master's alumni will answer your questions about the curriculum, application process, requirements and job prospect.

Apply to the Master of Science program and start study in September 2023


Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, founded in 1747 is a higher education establishment that trains engineers to a high level of scientific, technical and general competency. Apart from civil engineering and spatial planning, historically the source of its prestige, the School develops high-quality programs and research associated with the energy transition and sustainability. The Graduate School, underpinned by the excellence of its 12 research labs, develops Masters, Executive Education and PhD programs in mechanical and civil engineering, materials sciences, nuclear engineering, mathematics, information technology, environmental sciences, urban planning, transportation, economics, and sociology.

The Paris School of Economics develops economics research of the highest international standard and disseminates the results. It brings together a community of researchers and PhD students, and offers teaching in Masters, PhD, Summer School and Executive Education programs at the cutting edge of the discipline. Founded by the CNRS, the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, the École Normale Supérieure PSL, the École des Ponts-ParisTech, the INRAE, and the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, the PSE is firmly established as a feature on the global academic landscape and promotes exchanges between economic analysis and the other social sciences.

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Les experts

Carine StaropoliEnseignant-chercheurPSE, université paris1
Clive GalleryProgram DirectorEcole de sPonts Paristech
Renee RisnoveanuGrowth OutboundAnkorstore
Durée60 mins
Nombre d'inscrits25 inscrits
Note du webinar0 (0 avis)
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

1382 abonnés suivent cette entrepriseL’École des Ponts ParisTech est une grande école française d’ingénieurs de haut niveau, de futurs dirigeants et de chercheurs aptes à relever les défis de la société et de la transformer. Au-delà du génie civil et de l’aménagement du territoire, qui ont fait historiquement son prestige, l’École développe formations et recherches d’excellence liées aux enjeux de la transition énergétique ou encore sur des domaines plus vastes,L’École des Ponts ParisTech est une grande école française d’ingénieurs de haut niveau, de futurs dirigeants et de chercheurs aptes à relever les défis de la société et de la transformer. Au-delà du génie civil et de l’aménagement du territoire, qui ont fait historiquement son prestige, l’École développe formations et recherches d’excellence liées aux enjeux de la transition énergétique ou encore sur des domaines plus vastes, allant par exemple des mathématiques appliquées à l’économie, en passant par le génie industriel. allant par exemple des mathématiques appliquées à l’économie, en passant par le génie industriel.

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12:00 - 13:00
1 inscrit
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  2. Webinar Master of Science Sustainable Impact Analysis
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