Parallel Computing Quantum Devices
Quantum physicsabonnés
Les incontournables
As the demand for more powerful computing resource increase, new computing approaches are actively developed.
The FET-Open European project COPAC, Coherent Optical Parallel Computing, is one of such endeavors : COPAC aims at implementing massively parallel quantum logics on solid state quantum dot devices operating at room temperature using sequences of fs laser pulses.
COPAC organizes an online symposium on March 23rd, 24th and 25th 2021, that covers the different facets non linear optics, materiel science, quantum devices and quantum computing of the project.
The preliminary program is listed below.
Registration is free but mandatory for attending the web symposium.
People interested in making a 5 minutes presentation during one of the two poster sessions are encouraged to send an email with title and short abstract of maximum one A4 page at emmanuel.mazer@probayes.com
Confirmed speakers :
- Yehuda Band - Ben-Gurion University, Israel
- Ignacio Cirac - Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany
- Elisabetta Collini : University of Padova, Italy
- Greg Engel - The University of Chicago, USA
- Daniele Fausti - University of Trieste, Italy
- James R. Heath - Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USALiberato Manna - Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy
- Raphael D. Levine - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israël
- Kenji Ohmori - Institute for Molecular Sciences, Okazaki, Japan
- Yossi Paltiel - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israël
- Naftlati Tishbi -The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Thomas Van Vaerenbergh - Hewlett Packard Enterprise - Belgique
COPAC is an European project
The partners of the project are :
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Universita Degli Studi di Padova